Waking the Story...

In the gray mist shuffling across the sky…

expanding it’s human undertones

… the song

eh eh echoes

Being and rising


borrowing inspiration -


knowing and not -


Painted in glory…

Are you there?

I can’t sleep anymore

10:01, 11:01, 12:01

Wake up this story

- you call me and I am here

Wake up this story

- I am listening

Wake up this story…

- what shall I say?

Can I say I don’t want this cross, can I tell you it’s too much? Can I tell you that?

Still, I am obedient to the call.

You are ever Present, You deliver me from all evil, and You protect me from all illness.

I need only to dip into the the sea of Your graciousness….

I know I will fall, but only to rise stronger, in my experience of Your Grace…

I am always enough.

You continue to remind me that the only real truth is Yours and that I am not bound by anything that is not from You.

I have been reminded… that I have done this before.

This is not new, and yet you give it to be to bear once more. Why?

If I listen… will I know? Am I to know?

Is it part of my purpose…
