Sacred Calls...
There is always space, always pause.
It doesn’t have to be dramatic or life changing. Sometimes it is.
It’s human nature to survive.
But sometimes I forget to stop running from the lion, to come out of hiding, to just move,
or to stop fighting my own shadow.
Still, I keep growing. It’s an edge, and I keep growing.
Not happily ever after, but happily ever now.
Today was my 4 month post breast cancer checkup.
In some ways it feels like a lifetime ago. In someways it feels like yesterday.
I feel like that is the experience of time with God. Time doesn’t really exist.
Anyway… I noticed a little shift in that quiet inner voice of mine today.
It wasn’t really my voice. At least not in the way that I know it.
I’ve been praying so hard for what I want - what I feel like I need.
I want financial freedom. I want to pay for my responsibilities… and for that to happen - I need a job. And though I feel like I have applied for every possible position… nothing.
And my inner voice says - failure.
And my inner voice says - FAILURE
And my inner voice says - uh hello FAILURE
I still sort of feel this way.
But having this checkup also gave me that pause and space that I mentioned.
I had 40 minutes while waiting to see my doctor - and I couldn’t apply for another job.
So I listened. Then I got a little restless. So I prayed. Then I got a little restless.
I pulled out a book and started reading about obedience and the very word almost made me put it down.
But then I realized it was more about being obedient to our spiritual calling and less to the “should” of our daily life.
I said the included prayer - of how I could be more obedient to this spiritual calling, to God. And quite honestly I had no idea what would come, if anything, but I did in fact completely surrender.
I am in that place, where I am hopeful but I have no idea what to do. I keep going, but I am not sure where.
Like most of us starting over, I didn’t see it coming.
All day I kept hearing.
All day, I ignored it.
Finally I was like God, why can’t you just tell me how to be obedient?
To which I heard…
It was a little louder in my mind this time.
Well. It’s scary to write. It’s my absolute passion, but it doesn’t mean the risk is any less.
Usually when I mention this, someone will tell me - then just write for yourself…
For me, writing is sacred - and the sacred part is in the sharing… like sharing a meal. The call is a communal one.
I think we are all called to be vulnerable at times.
I am not going to write this and pretend that I don’t care about earthly blessings.
But my pause today, helped me to realize that I have some very major changes to make in my life if I want a long, quality life.
I have survived 4 battles with cancer, but I have some battle wounds. A weaker heart for one….
The warrior in me is listening…