Gifting Glory...

I don’t believe in coincidences. There are too many blessings in life for me to think anything happens by chance. My last post was about feeling bloated and uncomfortable as I continue to swell.

And this is about letting go.

I received confirmation of my house closing today. It sold a few weeks ago but I will be free of my home as of December 26th. I haven’t felt this way through most of 2018. It’s felt like one big time line of loss.

Letting go can be fun, when it’s a CHOICE and a FREEDOM.

I remember when I first purchased The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese art of decluttering and organizing by Marie Kondo. I completed the entire method, but I was a little confused by my joy at times. I purged many items but I kept a lot as well. At the end… I didn’t notice or feel a significant change.

And perhaps that was because I didn’t understand my JOY IN RELATION TO MY PURPOSE.

In learning that I was going to lose my house this year I felt loss. I try to see the silver lining in life, but I still felt loss. I still didn’t like it. I moved from a two-story, 4 bedroom home into two single bedrooms for Stella and I within my parents’ home.

I realize that it is a journey. And. I’ve been on this journey before.

I had one room in transplant. Just one. I had to find a way to contain all the inspiration I needed into a single space. I had to create a living, breathing space for healing. And I did.

And this is the same. And in all the things we think we need in life, we need so few. And it’s amazing that I have practiced letting go for months now. So much that I am finally down to the last few boxes of donations.

I cannot help but think how appropriate this journey is for us during this time of Advent. I feel like God is blessing us with this parallel experience. I don’t know what we need or where we are going. Our future is more uncertain than the stars. We have nothing to guide us other than our hearts and a leap of faith.

The ebb and flow of swelling and letting go is significant for me right now. AND… its a reminder that we have everything that we need when we recognize our blessings.

You can let go of anything you want to let go. ORGANIZATION ISN’T A SECRET.


I’m not saying loss isn’t real. I want a home. I pray it’s being prepared… and when it is, I will be ready.

Till then… I’m following the star of WONDER.


  • I AM understanding what brings me JOY BECAUSE I AM PRAYING TO UNDERSTAND MY PURPOSE.

  • I AM understanding that I do not want to be a slave to anything that I own.

  • I AM understanding that the items I packed are GIFTS OF GLORY… the beauty of that which we need for the journey we are on.