Spiritual Warrior
/I’m like a spiritual warrior or shaman or something. Maybe a medicine woman. I’m not even sure.
But in each dream I’m walking down a path.
I’m robed in flesh color linens. I have a linen satchel in a deeper fleshy tone. It’s over my shoulder and I’m very aware of it’s presence.
It’s everything.
Every tear, sorrow and suffering.
I keep walking till I am face to face with Jesus.
Yes that’s right. Jesus Christ.
[I’m not sure how true it is... but I’ve always heard that when a person speaks to you in your dream - then you are dreaming. If the person does not speak, then it’s a visitation?]
Either way. Jesus looks at me and says nothing.
Still, I know that He wants me to open my satchel.
I am so ready for this sacred moment. I am ready to release all that is hidden within.
But it’s empty.
I wanted Him to know my pain, my suffering, my collection of woes.
It was all gone. All of it.
But in His gaze I realized they were never there.
It didn’t make the sorrow disappear. It just changed it.
It changed me.
I can never own nor carry sorrow.
He lifts it every time.
So I wrap up my satchel.
And I just keep walking.
Cause it’s the next right step.
And that’s all I know.