It's Life... in one big breath
/I promise this isn’t self-pity, it is just a means to get somewhere. A place I don’t quite know.
I am going to start by giving a little advice -
if you can avoid it, do not get diagnosed with breast cancer while your husband is divorcing you. Not only is not practical… it is insanely stressful…
But if for some reason you cannot avoid the above, do not - under any circumstances, relapse while he has you served 3 years later, in efforts to pay less child support and have more visitation with your daughter.
Not only is this also not practical - but it is also extremely expensive because don’t forget - you also have the medical bills on top of the lawyer fees…
Of course, these are just the details. nothing that important.
What keeps you up at night is that you have stage 4 cancer and a child that you desperately want to keep safe.
You want to put all your time and energy into this and nothing else….
But there are insurance problems, court documents, treatments, and well, life-
This still isn’t the worst part.
It’s that the guy who said he never signed up for this, that he only wanted to be the fun uncle doesn’t give us room to breathe.
That it is always about him.
And God, I know He is present, but it doesn’t stop the nightmares, or isolation, or fear.
But it does give me hope. And besides Grace, that is what I need most.
We know who wins at the end… just got to make it to the final screen.