Grace Girl Beginnings...

This is Grace Girl.

I was in my last year of treatment. The easy year. No more spinal taps. No more hospital visits.

It was celebration. I was FREE.

I was already sick again but I didn’t know it.


This photo always brings me to that moment. Her moment in time.


And… that’s God. Reality didn’t even matter.

This photo is all the presence I ever need to remind me of Grace Girl. It reminds me that we all have purpose… even when we aren’t sure what it is.

TODAY was a much different kind of celebration of 26 years post bone marrow transplant. My body is sore, tired, and just a tad miserable from the last chemo treatment.

Still, today is my day and nothing changes that.


I did something else different today too. I decided that I am tired of reading about healing experiences that are already complete.

Even when the story includes the struggle and the journey… it still has an outcome with a big bow on it.

I am tired of chasing OUTCOMES.

Two year ago, I became a certified health coach with the Institute of Integrative Health because I wanted to include health coaching along with my lifestyle coaching.

AND… of course I did not give myself permission to take this sacred journey for my own healing.

My body is crying out for help. I think we tend to hear ourselves a little more this time of year.

We tend to listen to needs, we set intentions and we proceed with faith and hope in a very promising New Year.

I realize that I am extremely intuitive. We all are. That’s what we are referring to when we speak of being body, mind and soul.

I don’t know if i can heal my inflammation. I have a very diverse experience.

But, I am not going to wait six months to a year to share my story and clean up my mistakes. I am going to work with what comes. I will share my experience which may or may not pertain to what will work for you… hence the coaching. Nevertheless if anything is of any use I want you to have it now.

I was a bit weary at first today. It seems everyone wants to withhold information unless you give your email, download an e-book or take a webinar class.

Then I realized it was a blessing and an answer to a prayer. Because I was doing it again!!!

I already had answers and images in my head… but for some reason I felt the need to search the web for confirmation. I ended up in a maze of useless information and I was completely frustrated in the process.

Fortunately, I came back to my intention, focused my attention, and remembered my purpose.


You are and always will be you. So there is no protocol other than being with your own intentions, self-awareness, and desires.

Tomorrow morning, if my body allows, I will be out to gather some nutritional supplies to begin my personal journey.

Because my next right step is to follow this aspiration while pursuing Grace Girl’s purpose. And I cannot possibly know what that is without the faith of moving forward.

Just take the first step. You don’t have to know the outcome… you won’t.

Listen to the small quiet voice.