Distraction Darling...
/Why is it that I try to distract myself from suffering. I try to move away from what is.... and that isn't real. Because my thoughts about worry are in fact, not real.
I give this worry a type of humanity and clothe it in a realness that isn't there. A fabric, a textile that is just that... my own woven threads.
I have this chair. It is the chair. The one where I go for inspiration... and the chair itself isn't inspiring, but what it represents empowers me.
I had watched a Diane Von Furstenberg reality show and they filmed in her office. And that's when I saw the chair... the one I labeled the DVF chair. And of course I do not have THAT chair, but I have one that reminds me of it.
And its not real... the empowerment is not IN that chair. But if i am going to let a story influence me... then I want it to be inspiring.
Because the inspiration is real. That is real.
And so tonight, I will sit in my chair.