One of Stella’s favorite past times is shopping with a mini cart at Fresh Thyme Market. I take her when I don’t actually need anything so as to not be overwhelmed with my list and her wondering eyes.
Fresh Thyme is her own little world of wonder and paradise. Last night, she was completely intrigued with the fresh cut Christmas wreathes last. What is that smell she wondered (confession…. we have an artificial tree). I may need some Christmas Spirit oil today.
Last night was not about her amusement though.
A thought was with me throughout the day… the kind that you wonder if its a sign, or maybe you are making it up in your mind? It was a very gentle thought, but it continued to manifest and permeate throughout the day. I just let it be. I didn’t try to do anything with it at all other than accept it was there.
This thought?
There are ways that you can take care of yourself besides the chemo and following orders. These are part of your mission, not the mission or journey itself. YOU ARE WORTH TAKING CARE.
This was the thought that came to play yesterday.
My usual thoughts?
This is a chemotherapy plan to prevent secondary cancers. Just stick to the plan. Get on auto pilot and just go. There isn’t time to be with this experience, just get out of it. Just push. Just get going and don’t stop. You don’t have time to heal. This is survival.
My mind is constant narrative. It’s a Kate Winslet type voice - sometimes overly sensitive and intrusive with self-reflection, perfect hesitation and confidence.
What if, I thought, I take Stella on a girl time excursion… and I let myself experience the same wonder? Food worries me. It’s been a high anxiety subject for me since my first experience with cancer.
Its true that we are resilient as children, but it is equally true that we are sponges, soaking in our experiences as truth rather than potential circumstance.
My truth became that decisions were a matter of life and death. And it was true for me. It was my truth and my experience for three and half years. In fact, every decision played into my existence. Every single one. Mind you, this was not without a complete belief in prayer and miracles and absolute spiritual surrender.
i didn’t and couldn’t eat much for three years. The miracle anti nausea drugs offered absolutely no relief to me. Mostly I could get by… but not after transplant. I was required to eat on my own before I could leave the unit.
But that’s when it happened for me. The association. Food was life or death. I had to make a decision. I got out, but not without major complications.
I can’t tell you how many times people laugh at me when I am trying to make a decision… “It’s not like it’s a matter of life or death”
I laugh as my entire body is flushed with this universal truth. I try not to lose my ground. I repeat it silently.
And then I think, yes, but then it could be. It could be life or death.
Food is an industry. And that makes it challenging for someone like myself. With all the food philosophies and sources, everyone is willing to overwhelm you with conflicting messages. People are more than willing to give unsolicited advice and share why a certain nutrition will or won’t work for you.
I asked for a sign. I don’t always do this but the message was still coming in so vividly. I was seeing actual products I needed to help me in this journey. Some of which I had never seen before. They were just being nudged into my presence. But we have all been in this place of doubt. How do I know if this is God or my own active imagination?
So I did it. I just begged.
Okay God, if this is you… I’m going to need you to be super clear. I want to know without a doubt that it’s you. I’m tired of guessing.
I don’t normally demand clarity from God, but then, this prayer was also a surrender. With all of my heart I just knew I needed help.
A few minutes later, My mom returned home from Christmas shopping, and I put my prayer aside. She shared with me that she found the most perfect present for Stella.
Waiting with anticipation she pulled the most beautiful, sparkling cross from a beautiful little box and I stared directly into my answer.
Now for the fun part. You may think that with a sign like that, I was able to walk into Fresh Thyme, grab the items in ultimate excitement and begin my nutrition journey.
My heart was beating so fast as we walked into the store. I quickly began to see what I needed. The first item went into my cart. Then I took it out. Then I put it back in. Then I took it out and read it. Then I imagined all the unsolicited advice.
Then I looked at Stella who was being unusually patient. You need that she said and she wondered off with her mini cart. I dropped it back in and followed her.
You may think the shiny cross would have provided all the courage I needed for this journey but God knew i needed just a little more.
I was completely doubting my ability to finish the journey and seriously contemplated abandoning my cart and fleeing the store. Just then, this little stuffed animal llama practically jumped into Stella’s cart.
Awe Mama… it’s a little Llama.
Stella doesn’t know that LITTLE LLAMA is our Grace Girl project together. It’s her Christmas gift.
Of course this little llama had to come home with us, maybe more for me than her and we are lovingly calling her Dalai because in addition to our faith we need reminders to be kind and compassionate with ourselves so we can be that with others.
And maybe some of you can relate to this and maybe it seems completely foreign. But that was my next sign and strength for nutrition as part of this journey.
We continued around the store and I knew exactly what I needed. That said, muscle memory is real. Each item went in, and then out, and then back on the shelf, back in my hand, and finally in the cart.
We made it to the register but I am not sure I could have finished the journey without Stella. It was definitely meant to be girl time. At first, I didn’t think she had any idea what was going on. She is the child who rarely listens to a word I say, she is too stimulated and excited for anything other than the present moment.
Last night she seemed to have an intuitive space.
I am excited to GRACE GIRL my life… it’s not about surviving. Cancer is no longer a protocol.
I never ever imagined breast cancer or any secondary cancers in my life. I figured my childhood gave me my one and done pass from such an experience. With the total body radiation I had, and the board held on my behalf… secondary cancers are a possible reality.
Of course this isn’t about cancer.
It’s about LIFE. It’s not a protocol. Or a to do list.
There is so much that I DO WANT TO DO, but not as a checklist, not as a measure. I just have so much PASSION. And I just want to use it!
My dear friend sent me a text yesterday that sums up the mantra and prayer I want to live by in 2019. And of course that starts now.
Fear is not from God. Remind yourself to whom you belong!
I am going to inscribe this on everything that I own and I cannot thank you enough for the message. It’s everything I need.
Cancer… I am not who you think I am.